Wednesday, 15 May 2013

The Mighty Month Of May

This month, as the title suggests has been awesome!

I was allowed to hold a non uniform day and sell cakes in my high school in return for doing two assemblies explaining to the students in school what I was doing, where I was going and why we were having a non uniform day! Everyone had to wear an element of blue and/or white to symbolise the Honduras flag, and it was a great success! I am yet to receive the money from this fundrasing event but it was about £500 which is an enormous help. Thank you especially to one teacher, Dr Neal Jones who wrote me a check for £54.00 1% of the money that I have to raise in total, it was a very kind gesture and proved that he had listened to my assembly as well!

We then had the Zumbathon last sunday! I had been worrying about the event all week, fearing that nobody would actually come and we would have 100's of cakes to split between me and my family! This however was not the case, and everyone had a wonderful if not exhausting day and helped me raise £854 which is amazing!

I have just received two cheques in the post, one from my auntie Wendy, so thank you auntie wendy and uncle steve, and another from my dentist's practice donating £50 to my cause! I wrote him a letter months ago, so it's nice to have some unexpected money through the post! Thank you Clifton Dental Practice Newtown

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